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Friday, September 9, 2011

Smith Landfill Case Continued to March 21-22, 2012

The Prince William County Court has continued the zoning violation trial for the Smith Landfill previously set for November 2011 to a new trial date on March 21 and 22, 2012.

There is no change in the VDOT revocation of the construction access permits for trucks to enter and leave the Smith Landfill, so there should not be any dump truck activity (other than normal farming operations associated with actually farming on land) at the Smith Landfill between now and the March 2012 trial date.

The continuance was granted apparently after the Court agreed to a motion by Prince William County attorneys to add two new defendants to the zoning violation case, including Donovan Construction and the job foreman hired by Smith to manage the landfill operation.  The new defendants apparently requested time to prepare for trial.

More to follow . . .


  1. Stall tactic by the famous Odin, Feldman group. Let's wait until March to add some other BS to cause a delay.

  2. The number of trucks going to that Landfill Operation was viewed as many as 12 large commercial dump trucks in the time it takes to drive past the Smith Landfill to the intersection of Heathcote. And many of the trucks were in rough shape. I don't know how Smith could claim this was part of a 'farming operation' - it was obvious to even a casual observer that this was a Landfill!
