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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Gainesville Times Article Gives Smith Dump Issue Broad Community Exposure

The local media is finally taking notice of the ongoing controversy over the Smith Dump.  Click on the link below to go to the story that appeared today in the Gainesville Times:

Gainesville Times July 7 Article on Smith Dump

There may be additional follow-up stories on the Smith Dump in the Gainesville Times.


  1. These people that are complaining about the Smith Family Farm need to find something else to complain about. The man is doing nothing wrong by bringing in dirt to better HIS property. Do me a favor and go to the landfill and look at the dirt where TRASH TRUCKS dump there loads. It looks nothing like the dirt that is being brought in to HIS property. I don't see an issue with the trucks what so ever. If you can't drive park your car

  2. Sounds like Mr. Smith has found our blog and decided to start a self-support campaign. Instead, how about being a good neighbor and show some actual concern for the good people who have to drive on this road each and every day and hope they are not run off the road by one of these trucks. There have been numerous incidents, yet he makes no apology for it. I was here for the construction of Oak Valley and Heritage Hunt and the volume of trucks was a trickle compared to this dump, and I don't recall a single incident involving those trucks. Personally, I don't have an issue with the fact that he wants to improve his property. I do have an issue with the fact that there is little regard for the safety of people who have to drive on this road, and I do worry about what is being dumped there. Whatever he was burning two years ago was absolutely NOT BRUSH. It was trash of some kind. That crap got into the air and choked out many of us in Oak Valley. We actually had people driving through the neighborhood trying to find out where the fire was. And, whatever is buried there will get into the ground water and affect everyone in the area.

  3. It was hay that was being burned. Hay that could not be used for the next season. you cant let that stuff sit, you have to get ride of it. The local authorities were notified prior to disposing of the HAY. FYI this is a supporter of Mr. Smith!

  4. Sure it was hay. I lived adjacent to farms, had horses, burned brush & hay. THAT WAS NOT HAY! The smell was toxic!
