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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

VDOT Orders Access Permits Revoked for Commercial Vehicles Entering Smith Landfill Effective August 31

Smith Claims He is Just Building Up Grazing Land and Building Ponds

Donovan Construction officials tell VDOT that Smith needs just a couple more months to finish off the topsoil importation to prepare for the newly constructed pasture land to be seeded.  Prince William County officials say they have heard that same old "song and dance" from Smith for over two years.  

Robert K. Richardson, the attorney for the Smith Landfill, asked VDOT to stay out of the dispute because what Smith is doing on his land is a legitimate farming operation, but even he argued the "land leveling is almost complete."  Richardson asked VDOT to "leave the permits in place, let the judicial process run its course, and see what happens when the court again deals with the issues in November."

VDOT refused, and determined that the "permits for the temporary construction entrances should be suspended effective August 31, 2011.  This will allow the Smith Farm time to complete their activities without continuing into the new school year."

Here is the letter from VDOT to Prince William County:

Here is Smith Attorney Robert K. Richardson's letter to VDOT:


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