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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Dump Truck Inspections Ongoing on Catharpin Today

In a very welcome development, police are cracking down on the dump trucks and their drivers on Catharpin Road headed to the Smith Landfill.  Residents have been encouraging this action for many weeks, and the combined voices of citizens and Supervisor John Stirrup have apparently been heard.

Supervisor Stirrup has been the Champion of this issue from day one, and we all owe him a huge debt of gratitude.  He has strongly encouraged government agencies at all levels to assure that the Smith Landfill fully complies with all government regulations.

Stirrup strongly advocated to the Prince William County Zoning Office that stronger enforcement was needed when the Zoning Office had literally "checked out" on the issue claiming they could not see any obvious violations.  John Stirrup diligently stayed after Zoning officials, and they finally took action.

Everyone should pick up the phone and call Supervisor Stirrup's office and say Thank You!  The phone number is 703-792-6195.

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