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Monday, June 13, 2011

Road Damage From Dump Trucks on Taxpayer Dime (or Thousands of Dollars)

VDOT representatives acknowledge that Catharpin Road is taking a real beating from the dump trucks that regularly use the road to access to the Smith Landfill.  The shoulders all up an down Catharpin Road are being damaged by heavily loaded dump trucks on a road that simply was not built to handle commercial operations like the one being run on the Smith property.

VDOT knows the road surface right in front of the entrance to the Smith Landfill has been heavily damaged, and it gets worse every day.

The solution:  The taxpayers will have to pay to fix the road surface and road shoulders.  In a perverse outcome, taxpayers will actually be subsidizing the unsafe dump truck traffic on Catharpin Road servicing the Smith landfill recycling center.

Go figure.

The truth:  It is wrong to saddle taxpayers with fixing roads that are being damaged by a commercial operation.  It is wrong to have allowed the Smith Landfill without the approval of Prince William County; to build an access road without public hearings; meeting environmental requirements; and building turn lanes.  This commercial land recycling center must be shut down.

In an apparent attempt to reduce the resident and driver complaints about the dump truck traffic, the operators of the unapproved landfill have been diverting trucks out of the landfill operation via Artemus Road and onto Pageland Road.

It is a blatant attempt to hide the problem, and it expands the blight on our community.


  1. I called VDOT today to tell them about the large pot-hole that has formed in front of the Smith Family Dump. The VDOT rep was very courteous and said that she had one other complaint this morning about the same hole. She gave me the work order number and said that it would be repaired. I felt I needed to do this before I wrote Supervisor Stirrup about it and the deterioration of the road in general due to the overloaded trucks. VDOT's road repair number is 703-383-8368. -Joe.

  2. Everyone call this number - maybe if they get hundreds of calls something will be done!

  3. Kerri - I called VDOT today and received a work order number for the pot-hole on Catharpin Road - pavement torn-up at the construction entrance to Smith Farm
    my work order number is #1784164
