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Thursday, February 9, 2012

County Board of Supervisors Gets It

The Gainesville District has a true Champion in the model of John Stirrup in newly elected Pete Candland.

Despite strong pushback from County staff, Candland has doggedly pursued changing the outdated "farmers can do no wrong" culture that prevails in Prince William County.

In a Board of Supervisors Meeting on Tuesday, citizens presented the case against the proposed Macuci Dump project on Pageland Lane.  The Macuci application for a land disturbance exemption names Tim Reeves, the same excavation operator at the Smith Dump, and the person in charge of running the newest dirt landfill.

It was clear the Board understood the issue, and they promised to discuss the issue in closed session.

Insiders at the Board claim their was unanimous agreement by the Board that the public safety risks were too significant to allow up to 250 dump trucks a day to enter and leave the Macuci property on Pageland Lane and increase the danger on Pageland, Route 234, and Route 29.  The Board apparently agreed that the proliferation of these dump sites in the western part of Prince William County needed to be stopped.

Pete Candland once again demonstrated he has real leadership skills (following an impressive fix orchestrated by Candland on the Waverly Farms Drive/Route 15 traffic signal issue that VDOT had denied until 2014) in achieving a result that has eluded us for years.

If you want to view the presentations made during Citizens Time at the Board Meeting, click on the link below.  Mary Ann Ghadban, a Pageland Lane resident, is emerging as a real champion on this issue, and her presentation was particularly compelling and everyone needs to hear what she had to say.

CLICK HERE FOR February 7 PWC BOS Meeting

1 comment:

  1. Interesting that the BoS "gets it." Wonder why they recently re-opened the biggest landfill disaster in our history at Catharpin Park. I counted 28 trucks in about 45 minutes.
