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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Grass Roots Advocacy -- Send an Email Today!

Add your voice to the Virginia Legislature Committee that is reviewing H.B. 1076, the bill being sponsored by Delegate Tim Hugo to allow localities to require a special use permit for any "farm" activity that requires more than 20 dump trucks in a single day, thereby providing our local County officials with the tools to protect the safety of the public.

Send a personal email asking each of these Delegates to support H.B. 1076.

E-Mail Contact List for the House Counties, Cities, and Towns Committee

Copy the below into your e-mail client’s “To” field to e-mail every member of this committee.

"Riley Ingram" <>
"Anne Crockett-Stark" <>
"James Edmunds" <>
"Keith Hodges" <>
"Algie Howell" <>
"Sal Iaquinto" <>
"Barry Knight" < >
"Kaye Kory" <>
"Jim LeMunyon" < >
"Bob Marshall" <>
"Danny Marshall" <>
"Delores McQuinn" < >
"Don Merricks" <>
"Will Morefield" < >
"Rick Morris" <>
"Charles Poindexter" <>
"Lionell Spruill" <>
"Chris Stolle" <>
"Scott Surovell" <>
"Luke Torian" < >
"Onzlee Ware" <>
"Tony Wilt" < >

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