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Thursday, February 9, 2012

Delegate Hugo Gets Big Win in House Committee Vote to Stop the Dump Trucks

Delegate Tim Hugo's HB 1076 received a unanimous vote of approval from the House Counties, Cities and Towns subcommittee 2 regarding land filling activities. The bill was amended to include storage and disposal of "excavation material" as an activity that a locality can require a special use permit for in an agriculturally zoned area.

In essence, the Hugo bill will permit Prince William County to review all landfill activities on agriculture zoned properties to determine if there is a legitimate farming activity associated with the use of imported excavation material, and if not they County can refuse to issue a special use permit.

Another big step to a resolution of the public safety hazard on our roads!


  1. I am really glad to hear that this bill received a unanimous vote of approval. The dump trucks need to be stopped!!
    I am also amazed to read some of these blogs, especially the ones regarding the development of neighborhoods in Gainesville. Yes, I am sure there were plenty of dump trucks going up and down Catharpin Road while Oak Valley and Piedmont were being developed. That was for a limited period of time and in the end the final product was a neighborhood with houses and kids, not a landfill. I hear that the Farm is bringing in the dirt to increase their pasture land….. Well based on the view from the road lately, the pile of dirt on the farm is so big that the cows can eat the leaves off of the top of the trees now.

  2. Thanks for putting up this website. I had no idea that this was going on until day before yesterday and I live a couple properties down from the proposed site. I really have no desire to see this kind of traffic on Pageland and have already been emailing VDOT to get the broken yellow line removed on our stretch as we already have too many accidents as is.

    I immediately sent emails to PWC and down to Richmond and received a good response. Hopefully it continues.

    Thanks again.
